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Bibliography of Tea
In English
- Akiyama, Takamasa. A New Global Tea Model:
Specification, Estimation, and Simulation. World
Bank, 1987.
- Anderson, Jennifer L. An Introduction to
Japanese Tea Ritual. New
York: State University of New York Press, 1991.
- Anderson, Robert Woodruff. Tea and Sympathy.
Random House, 1953.
- Baildon, Samuel. The Tea Industry in India.
London: Allen, 1882.
- Barker, George. A Tea Planter's Life in
Assam. Calcutta: Thacker,
Spink, 1884.
- Behal, Rana P. and Prabhu P.
Mohapatra. "Tea
and Money versus Human Life." Plantations, Proletarians
and Peasants in Colonial Asia.
London: Frank Cass, 1992.
- Blofeld, John. The Chinese Art of Tea.
London: Allen and Unwin, 1985.
- Bramah, Edward. Tea and Coffee.
London: Hutchinson, 1972.
- Chaudhuri, K.N. The Trading World of Asia
and the English East India Company, 1660-1760.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978.
- Crole, David. Tea.
London: Crosby Lockwood, 1897.
- Douglas, Mary, ed. Constructive Drinking:
Perspectives on Drink from Anthropology.
Cambridge University Press, 1987.
- Evans, J.C. Tea in China.
New York: Greenwood, 1992.
- Forrest, Denys. Tea for the British.
London: Chatto and Windus, 1973.
- ---. A Hundred Years of Ceylon
Tea, 1867-1967. London:
Chatto and Windus, 1967.
- Griffiths, Percival Joseph. The History of the Indian
Tea Industry. London:
Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1967.
- Griswold, W.S. The Boston Tea Party.
Tunbridge Wells: Abacus, 1973.
- Hobhouse, Henry. Seeds of Change.
London: Macmillan, 1992.
- Holt, Geraldene, ed. A Cup of Tea: An Afternoon
Anthology of Fine China and Tea Trades.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.
- Iguchi, Kaisen. Tea Ceremony.
Transl. John Clark. Hoikusha, 1975.
- Labaree, B.W. The Boston Tea Party.
London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
- Lillywhite, Bryant. London Coffee Houses.
London: Allen and Unwin, 1963.
- Lu Yü. The Classic of Tea:
Origins and Rituals. Transl.
and intr. by Francis Ross Carpenter. Hopewell: The Ecco Press, 1974.
- Macfarlane, Alan, and Iris
Macfarlane. The
Empire of Tea: The remarkable history of the plant that took over the
world. Woodstock: Overlook
Press, 2003.
- Milton, Ed S. Tea: A cultural history
from around the world.
Astrolog Publishing House Ltd., 2003.
- Moxham, Roy. Tea: Addiction,
Exploitation, and Empire. New
York: Carroll and Graf, 2003.
- Okarura, Kakuzo. The Book of Tea.
Foreword by Elise Grilli. C.E. Turtle Co., 1956.
- ---. The Book of Tea.
Ed. Everett F. Bleiler. Dover Publications, 1964.
- Pettigrew, Jane. A Social History of Tea.
London: National Trust, 2001.
- ---. The Tea Companion: A
Connoisseur's Guide. London:
Apple Press, 1997.
- Repplier, Agnes. To Think of Tea.
Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
- Sarkar, Goutam Kumar. The World of Tea Economy.
Oxford University Press, 1972.
- Schaffer, Charles and Violet
Schaffer. Teacraft:
A Treasury of Romance, Rituals, and Recipes.
Buena Press, 1975.
- Singh, Shamsher, et. al. Coffee, Tea and Cocoa:
Market Prospects and Development Lending.
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.
- Smith, Michael. The Afternoon Tea Book.
New York: Athenaeum, 1966.
- Soshitsu, Sen. The Japanese Way of Tea:
From its Origins in China to Sen Rikyu / Sen Soshitsu XV.
Transl. V. Dixon Morris. University of Hawaii Press, 1998.
- Suzuki, Daisez T. Zen and Japanese Culture.
Princeton University Press, 1993.
- Tanaka, Sen'o. The Tea Ceremony.
Foreword by Yasushi Inoue. Kodansha International, 2000.
- Twining, Stephen H. The House of Twining,
1706-1956. London: Twining,
- Ukers, W.H. All About Tea.
New York: Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1935.
- Walsh, William I. The Rise and Decline of
the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company.
L. Stuart, 1986.
- Weatherstone, John. The Pioneers 1825-1900:
The Early British Tea and Coffee Planters and their Way of Life.
London: Quiller, 1986.
- Weinberg, Bennet Alan, and
Bonnie K. Bealer. The World of Caffeine: The
Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug.
New York: Routledge, 2001.
- Wickizer, Vernon Dale. Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa: An
Economic and Political Analysis.
Stanford University Press, 1951.
- ---.
Under International Regulation.
Stanford University Press, 1944.
- Yukihiko, Hara. Green Tea: Health Benefits
and Applications. Marcel
Dekker, 2001.
- Ziegler, Mel, Bill
Rosenzweig, and Patricia Ziegler. The Republic of Tea:
Letters to a Young Zentrepreneur.
Doubleday, 1992.
In German
- Adrian, Hans G., Rolf L.
Temming, and Arend Vollers. Das Teebuch: Geschichte
und Geschichten; Anbau, Herstellung und Rezepte.
Wiesbaden: VMA Verlag, 1983.
- Bayer, Klaus H. Gesund durch
grünen Tee. Berlin:
Trescher, 1998.
- Brenneisen, Wolfgang. Tee trinken: Ein
fröhliches Wörterbuch für alle
Genießer, die mehr als eine gute Tasse Tee zu
schätzen wissen.
München: Tomus, 1994.
- Dahlem, Pia, and Gabi
Freiburg. Das
große Buch vom Tee: Teesorten, Anbaugebiete, Mischungen,
Herstellung, Heilkräfte.
Rastatt: Moewig, no year.
- Feldheim, Walter. Tee und Tee-Erzeugnisse.
Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, 1994.
- Fronty, Laura. Tees und Drinks aus
Blättern, Blüten und Gewürzen.
Trans. Sybille Schneider. München: Christian Verlag, 1997.
- Groesser, Hellmut. Tee für
Wissensdurstige: Das Fachbuch vom deutschen Teebüro.
München: E. Albrecht, 1997.
- Hengartner, Thomas, and
Christoph Maria Merki, eds. Genußmittel: Ein
kulturgeschichtliches Handbuch.
Frankfurt: Campus, 1999.
- Hsing-fan, Hu, and Carla
Steinberg. Das
Geheimnis des Tees. Berlin:
Theseus, 2002.
- Maronde, Curt. Rund um den Tee: Eine
amüsante, umfassende Tee-ologie mit 80 praktischen
Tee-Rezepten. Frankfurt:
Fischer Taschenbuch, 1997.
- Okarura, Kakuzo. Das Buch vom Tee.
Transl. Horst Hammitzsch. Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2002.
- Pettigrew, Jane. Das Handbuch für
Köln: Benedikt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1998.
- Polt-Heinzl, Evelyne, and
Christine Schmidjell, eds. Tee: Eine kleine
kulinarische Anthologie.
Stuttgart: Philip Reclam, 1998.
- Reimertz, Stephan. Vom Genuß des
Tees: Eine Kulturgeschichte.
Leipzig: Gustav Kiepenheuer, 1998.
- Schmidt, Rainer. Tee: Der Guide
für Kenner und Genießer.
München: Heyne, 1997.
- Vollers, Arend. Tee: Alles Wissenswerte
über Geschichte, Kultur, Herstellung, Sorten und die Kunst,
Tee richtig zu genießen.
München: Heyne, 1996.
- ---.
Kunst, Tee richtig zu genießen.
Weyarn: Seehamer Verlag, 1998.